Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012


Memakai Tapis Lampung sebagai Kerajinan Warisan Leluhur Bangsa adalah suatu keistimewaan bagi pemakainya, selain membuat Anda lebih percaya diri juga membuat Anda memancarkan aura  yang membuat anda lebih positif dalam menjalankan aktifitas.

Berbagai macam Penak Pernik Tapis Lampung ditawarkan untuk anda Anda.
Untuk informasi harga dan pemesanan bisa hubungi kami di +62 82 1364 110 99 atau lewat e-mail
Cara pmbayaran bisa di transfer melalui rekening a/n AGUNG KURNIYANTO ISMAIL dengan nomor rekening 391-01-00661-18-4 (CIMB NIAGA)
Berikut beberapa Kotak Handphone yang sangat menarik bagi anda
 Model 1
Kotak Tas Kecil Tempat Handphone
ONLY IDR 35.000 (Harga Belum Termasuk Ongkir)

Model 2
Kotak Tas Kecil Tempat Handphone
ONLY IDR 35.000 (Harga Belum Termasuk Ongkir)


Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012

Ganci Tapis Super Murah

Memakai Tapis Lampung sebagai Kerajinan Warisan Leluhur Bangsa adalah suatu keistimewaan bagi pemakainya, selain membuat Anda lebih percaya diri juga membuat Anda memancarkan aura  yang membuat anda lebih positif dalam menjalankan aktifitas.

Berbagai macam Penak Pernik Tapis Lampung ditawarkan untuk anda Anda.
Untuk informasi harga dan pemesanan bisa hubungi kami di +62 82 1364 110 99 atau lewat e-mail
Cara pmbayaran bisa di transfer melalui rekening a/n AGUNG KURNIYANTO ISMAIL dengan nomor rekening 391-01-00661-18-4 (CIMB NIAGA)
Aneka Ganci Motor Mobil
Model 1

Model 2

Tampak Bagian Dalam

Model 3
Gantungan kunci untuk kunci motor dan mobil
Harga Hanya IDR 49.000 (Harga Special!!!!!!!)

Pernak Pernik Tapis

Memakai Tapis Lampung sebagai Kerajinan Warisan Leluhur Bangsa adalah suatu keistimewaan bagi pemakainya, selain membuat Anda lebih percaya diri juga membuat Anda memancarkan aura  yang membuat anda lebih positif dalam menjalankan aktifitas.

Berbagai macam Tapis Lampung ditawarkan untuk anda Anda.
Untuk informasi harga dan pemesanan bisa hubungi kami di +62 82 1364 110 99 atau lewat e-mail
Cara pmbayaran bisa di transfer melalui rekening a/n AGUNG KURNIYANTO ISMAIL dengan nomor rekening 391-01-00661-18-4 (CIMB NIAGA)
1. Hiasan Dinding Ayat Kursi terbuat dari Tapis Lampung
Hiasan Dinding Ayat Kursi (Dibuat dari Kain Tapis Asli Lampung)
Hanya IDR 375.000 (Belum Termasuk Ongkir)

2. Hiasan Dinding Kereta ditarik Gajah, dibuat dari kain Tapis asli Lampung.

Hiasan dinding kereta yang ditarik gajah
Harga IDR 375.000 (Belum Termasuk Ongkir)

3.Hiasan Dinding Tapis Gajah

Hiasan dinding perahu berbahan dasar Tapis Lampung
Harga IDR 350.000 (Belum Termasuk Ongkir)

Which do you want???

Memakai Tapis Lampung sebagai Kerajinan Warisan Leluhur Bangsa adalah suatu keistimewaan bagi pemakainya, selain membuat Anda lebih percaya diri juga membuat Anda memancarkan aura  yang membuat anda lebih positif dalam menjalankan aktifitas.

Berbagai macam Tapis Lampung ditawarkan untuk anda Anda.
Untuk informasi harga dan pemesanan bisa hubungi kami di +62 82 1364 110 99 atau lewat e-mail

Cara pmbayaran bisa di transfer melalui rekening a/n AGUNG KURNIYANTO ISMAIL dengan nomor rekening 391-01-00661-18-4 (CIMB NIAGA)

1. Tapis Handmade

Tapis Handmade include Selendang/Syal

IDR 1.550.000
2. Motif Kain Tapis Bordir Hijau (Included Syal Kain Tapis Hijau)
 Motif Kain Tapis Bordir Hijau 
Included Selendang/Syal
Hanya IDR 899.000 (Harga Belum Termasuk Ongkir)

Kain Tapis Hijau

Syal Kain Tapis Hijau 
3. Kain Tapis Lampung Bordir - Biru (Pembelian Kain Tapis Include Syal)

 Motif Kain Tapis Bordir Biru 
Included Selendang/Syal
Hanya IDR 899.000 (Harga Belum Termasuk Ongkir)

Motif Kain Tapis Bordir Biru

Syal Kain Tapis Bordir Biru
4. Sarung Tumpal (Included Peci 1 atau Peci 2)

Model Sarung Tumpal Khas Lampung
Include Peci ( Pilih Model 1 atau Model 2)
Harga Hanya 399.000 (Harga Turun) 

 Peci 1

Peci 2

5. Tapis Bordir (Included Syal) 
 Motif Kain Tapis Bordir Hitam 
Included Selendang/Syal
Hanya IDR 899.000 (Harga Belum Termasuk Ongkir)

Kain Tapis Bordir Hitam

Syal Kain Tapis Bordir Selendang

Sabtu, 29 September 2012

The History of Lampung Tapestry Fabrics

History Lampung Tapestry Fabrics

Woven Tapestry, is one type of traditional crafts people of Lampung in aligning his life both to the environment as well as the Creator of the Universe. Therefore, the emergence of Tapestry fabric is taken through the stages that lead to the perfection of time tenunnya techniques, as well as ways of providing decoration in accordance with the cultural development of society. According to Van der Hoop lampung mentioned that people have been weaving fabric Brocade called bin (Handsome) and fabric Pelepai since the second century AD. The motive of this fabric is the hook and female friend (Key and Rhomboid shape), life trees and buildings containing the human spirit that has died. There is also a motive for the animals, sun, moon and jasmine. Known also woven filter cloth that rise, embroidered with white silk thread, called Woven Tapestry Inuh. Ornaments found in Lampung woven fabric also have elements in common with decoration in other areas. This is evident from the elements which influence Neolithikum taradisi indeed commonly found in Indonesia. The entry of Islam in Lampung, it also enriches the development of craft tracking filter. Although the new element has been influential, long element is maintained. The existence of communication and traffic between the islands of Indonesia is to allow citizens to develop a maritime network. World maritime or maritime-called era have started to develop since the days of Indonesian Hindu kingdom and glory achieved during growth and development of Islamic kingdoms between 1500 1700.

Starting from this historical background, imagination and creation creator artist clearly affect the results of creation that takes the ideas in everyday life that goes around the neighborhood of artists in which he lives. Use of shipping transportation at the time and nature of the marine environment has given the idea of ​​the use of decorative motifs on the fabric ship. Variety ship motif on the cloth indicates the existence of diversity of ships and ship construction are used. In its development, not all tribes Lampung use Tapestry as a means of equipment life. Known Lampung common interest to produce and develop Tapestry weaving is a well-mannered tribe Pepadun Lampung.

Material and Equipment Tapestry Weaving of Lampung

Basic Materials Tapis Lampung: Lampung filter fabric which is a traditional woven crafts Lampung society is made of cotton yarn and gold thread. Yarn cotton yarn is derived from cotton material and is used as a basic ingredient in the manufacture of filter fabric, while the gold thread used to make decorative embroidery on the filter with the system. In 1950, the craftsmen still use the filter material itself the result of processing, particularly for woven material. The production is using a belt system, while the use of gold thread had been known since long.

Raw materials that include: • Khambak / cotton used to make yarn. • silkworm cocoon to make silk thread. • Pantis / beehive candle to stretch the yarn. • Roots of citronella to preservative yarn. • Betel leaves to make the fabric color does not fade. • Fruit matchmaker, henna leaves, bark kejal for red dye. • Bark greetings, rambutan tree bark to dye black. • Skin or chemicalsux mahogany wood for coloring chocolate durian. • Fruit or leaf deduku talom for blue dye. • Turmeric and whiting for yellow dye.

At this time the materials mentioned above are rarely used anymore, because of substitute ingredients mentioned above are already heavily traded in the market. Equipment Woven Tapestry fabric: The process of making woven filter fabric to use your equipment as follows: • Sesang is a tool for preparing yarn before being installed on the loom. • Mattakh is a tool to weave the fabric filter which consists of sections

The tools: • Terikan (thread rolling tool) • Cacap (a tool to put the tools mettakh) • Belida (a tool to tighten yarn) • Kusuran (a tool to compile separate threads and yarns) • Chic (a tool to hold the range of yarns and roll-woven) • Guyun (a tool to manage threads) • Ijan or Peneken (allowances legs weaver) • round (a tool to place the feed yarn, ie yarn is inserted crosswise) • Terupong / Binoculars (tool for inserting weft to weave) • divan (retainer back weavers) • Tekang is a tool to stretch the fabric when embroidering gold thread.